Sonya’s training in the John F. Barnes Myofascial Release (MFR) Approach for relief from chronic pain, postural misalignment, and repetitive injury helps her facilitate her intuition and expertise in restorative movement for full body recovery through hands on structural bodywork, MFR, and Fascianation Method self-myofascial instruction, giving her clients access to a fluid combination of experience, authenticity, and compassion.
Raised in Sparks, NV, Sonya has been practicing massage for over 20 years, fifteen of which were spent studying and practicing in Honolulu, Hawaii, learning to live Aloha and use movement and bodywork as a way of facilitating and encouraging well being. After receiving her massage training at Reno's Ralston School of Massage in 2001 she was immediately hired as the massage therapist for the University of Hawaii Swimming & Diving teams, in exchange for a full scholarship. In 2005 she gradated from the University of Hawaii, Manoa with a B.A. in Psychology and spent the next 10 years building her personal massage and bodywork practice emphasizing in sports massage, repetitive injury recovery, triathlon training, coaching, and treating every human as a whole being, not just a collection of tissue issues and injured body parts.
Along with her bodywork practice Sonya shares her passion for movement and sports as a part-time yoga, barre, cross training, cycling, swimming, and running Coach with KaiaFIT Carson and Minden.
Practicing the art of Myofascial Release Therapy and the sport of living puts Sonya’s whole being InTouch with feeling, InCouraging her clients to move fluidly to create long lasting change, and those who work with her move through life InJOY!